Monthly Archives: May 2013

Call to Makers Extended

#MEDIA-3468_MakerFaireButtons 2013 (FINAL)

Thanks to all the Makers who have submitted their applications early – our team is going through them now and we are accepting on a rolling basis (if you’ve applied as a commercial crafter, those spots will be jury selected following the cut-off date). For those who need additional time, we have extended the Call for Makers one week until June 14.

Makers apply here for Maker Faire Detroit 2013.

Tinker, hack, invent with The Henry Ford

This week’s Tinker, Hack, Invent Saturday showcases… us! Teams from The Henry Ford will be on hand showcasing artifacts, hands-on projects, and more. Senior Conservator Clara Deck gives us a look at what to expect this weekend.

Recording on a wax cylinder at Maker Faire.

Recording on a wax cylinder at Maker Faire.

I can’t wait for our upcoming Tinker, Hack, Invent Saturday here at Henry Ford Museum on May 25. It’s a rare opportunity for us to share some extremely nifty collections with you. We’ll be inviting you to interact with mechanical musical instruments and early film technology. And we won’t be swallowed up by all the other fun and wacky stuff that vies for your attention at the full-blown Maker Faire Detroit. Continue reading

Maker Faire Detroit 2013 Tickets Now Available for Purchase

It’s that time again! Tickets are now on sale for Maker Faire Detroit 2013. Check out our Attend page for prices and The Henry Ford’s website to pick up your tickets now.