Monthly Archives: June 2013

Tinker, hack, and invent with Cyber Young


Rounding out our lineup today for Tinker, Hack, Invent Saturday is Cyber Young. Cyber was designed and created by several FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Techology) high school robotics teams. Look familiar? He threw out the first pitch at a Detroit Tigers game last August AND he’ll be returning to hurl a pitch on Tuesday, July 9, at Comerica Park. Let’s learn more about Cyber Young. Continue reading

Tinker, hack, and invent with our Maker Corps

Are you ready to make an Artbot this weekend at Henry Ford Museum?

Are you ready to make an Artbot this weekend at Henry Ford Museum?

The Maker Corps members at The Henry Ford are individuals that have been working with our Education Department to help inspire young innovators all summer long through our Tinker, Hack, Invent Saturdays and Maker Faire Detroit. We’re excited to have their work and ideas front and center this weekend as part of Saturday’s programming.

Get to know Maker Corp member Mary Foulke, a third-grade teacher from Bailey School in Hillsdale, Mich., and a Henry Ford Teacher Fellow. Mary’s passion is in history and making and is combining those two interests at The Henry Ford all summer. She’s been doing a lot of research on the history of textiles, fibers, and crafts to the present and how that fits in here at The Henry Ford. Continue reading

Tinker, hack, and invent with The Robot Garage

Photo via The Robot Garage Facebook page.

Photo via The Robot Garage Facebook page.

robotgaragelogoWe’ve got a lot going on this weekend for our June installment of Tinker, Hack, Invent Saturday! Joining our makers in just a few days is The Robot Garage, a year-round facility for LEGO and robotics enthusiasts in Birmingham. The Robot Garage offers classes, camps, scouting programs, field trips, birthday parties, drop-in builds and their own shop.

We asked The Robot Garage’s Sarah Jacobs a few questions about this weekend’s program. Continue reading

Volunteering at Maker Faire Detroit is awesome


To my oldest: “Why should someone volunteer at the Detroit Maker Faire?”
The oldest: “Because it’s awesome and cool!”

It’s simple.

The Detroit Maker Faire is AWESOME.

Have you walked around the Maker Faire and thought about what goes into making the event spectacular?

You see all of the makers, their gadgets and things, set up throughout the grounds of and in the Henry Ford Museum.

There’s Eepy Bird and the full-size mousetrap game. How about building a model rocket or helping people learn how to pick locks?

None of this awesomeoness takes place without volunteers.

Volunteering at the Detroit Maker Faire gives you the opportunity to be a part of one of the coolest events this summer in the Detroit area.

mfd-volunteer-2You get to see the Faire from a different perspective, from behind the scenes. You help it all come together by assisting makers and the staff at The Henry Ford.

There are opportunities to help set-up the Faire, during the Faire and packing it all up after the Faire.

Volunteering is also a great way to learn more about hobbies or activities you have seen at the Faire but may never had seen yourself trying.

Volunteering brings people from all walks of life together. No matter your personality, interests, or background, you’re bound to connect with another person like yourself. There is no telling who you may meet or work with. I think this is one of the most exciting aspects to volunteering.

Did I mention the perks? The awesome volunteer T-shirts are always cool. You will also receive a free Faire ticket for one person for each shift of volunteering.

If you have never volunteered, switch things up a bit and help make a difference in our community.

The Detroit Maker Faire is coming! Six weeks to awesome!

You can check out The Henry Ford spreading the volunteer word the next two weeks at:

  • The Plymouth Farmer’s Market, June 22, 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
  • Westside Farmers’ Market, June 27, 3-7 p.m

Volunteers receive a free T-shirt and for every five-hour shift they receive a free one-day ticket to Maker Faire Detroit. For information about volunteering for Maker Faire Detroit, email us at allstaff [at] thehenryford [dot] org.

Chris Poterala is a long-time Maker Faire Detroit volunteer and all-around awesome guy. We can’t wait to put him to work next month.

Call to Makers Closed

Thank you to everyone for applying to Maker Faire Detroit 2013!