Want a FREE ticket to Maker Faire Detroit? Volunteer!

As the Midwest’s largest DIY festival, the two-day, family-friendly Maker Faire Detroit has something for everyone – a showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness and a celebration of the Maker mindset.

And we’ll let you in on a little secret…there’s a way to attend this fantastic event, absolutely free – by volunteering!

There are lots of great reasons to volunteer at Maker Faire Detroit, but perhaps the best reason is that volunteers have a fabulous time!  Here are some of the comments from our volunteers from the past two Faires:

 “Everyone that I worked with was interesting.”

 “I loved working the Faire and meeting the maker/crafters.”

 “I had a great time.”

 “I enjoyed this unique volunteer event and look forward to next year.”

 “I was one of this year’s Maker Faire volunteers.  I was only able to work one shift, but I had so much fun.  The Faire itself was nothing short of amazing!”

Other great reasons to volunteer for Maker Faire Detroit 2012 include:

  • Choose the time and the position you fill while volunteering.
  • Receive a FREE exclusive Maker Faire Detroit crew T-shirt to wear during your shift.
  • Receive a FREE one-day ticket to Maker Faire for each 4-5 hour shift you work (a $27 value).
  • Be part of inspiring thousands of guests!

Volunteers must be 18 years old or older and must attend an orientation meeting on the evening of Wednesday, July 25 or Thursday, July 26.

To sign up as a volunteer, just email Meg Anderson at [email protected]!

If you are a previous Maker Faire Detroit volunteer, tell us all about it in the comments or on our Facebook page! What did you enjoy most?

2 Responses to Want a FREE ticket to Maker Faire Detroit? Volunteer!

  1. hi I am very interested in volunteering please reply soon.

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